Crore to Million Converter

The converted value will be displayed here ...

Crore to million converter is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily convert a sum of money from crore to million units.

A crore is a unit of measurement used in South Asian countries including India, Nepal, and Pakistan. It is equal to 10 million, or 100 lakh. To convert from crore to million, simply multiply the number of crore by 10. For example, if you have 3 crore, then 3 x 10 = 30 million.

In India, crore is commonly used to express large numbers, while million is more commonly used in other parts of the world.

If you need to convert from million to crore, simply divide the number of million by 10. For example, if you have 20 million, then 20 / 10 = 2 crore.

Understanding Crore to Million Conversion: A Handy Guide

In the world of finance and mathematics, understanding different units of measurement is crucial for accurate calculations and transactions. Especially in a globalized economy, converting figures between commonly used terms in different countries, like crores to millions, becomes essential. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to converting crores into millions, equipped with a converter tool to make your calculations effortless.

What is a Crore?

A crore is a unit in the number system that is widely used in South Asia, particularly in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. It represents ten million (10,000,000) and is equivalent to 100 lakhs in the Indian numbering system. The term "crore" is derived from the Prakrit word "kroḍi," denoting ten million.

What is a Million?

A million is part of the Western numbering system, commonly used in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. It represents one thousand thousand (1,000,000). The term “million” is derived from the early Italian millione, from mille, meaning “thousand,” plus the augmentative suffix -one.

Why Convert Crore to Million?

With the globalization of business, finance, and economics, it's common to encounter figures in different units of measurement. For individuals working across borders, or for those consuming global news, understanding how to convert crores into millions is crucial for accurate interpretation and analysis of financial data.

How to Convert Crore to Million

The conversion from crore to million is relatively straightforward. Since one crore equals ten million, you can easily convert crores to millions by multiplying the number of crores by ten.

Conversion Formula

Millions = Crores × 10


If you wish to convert 5 crores to millions:

5 crores × 10 = 50 million

Crore to Million Converter

While the manual calculation is simple, for convenience, our website offers a "Crore to Million Converter" tool. This digital calculator allows you to quickly convert any number from crores to millions with just a click. Whether you're analyzing financial reports, working on cross-border projects, or simply satisfying your curiosity, our converter ensures accuracy and saves time.
