Billion to Crore Converter

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Billion to crore converter, converts million (an international numbering system) to crore (Indian numbering system). A crore is a unit of measurement for large numbers. In the Indian numbering system, it is equal to 10 million. In the international numbering system, it is equal to 100 lakh. A billion is a unit of measurement for even larger numbers. In the international numbering system, it is equal to 1,000 million. Therefore, 100 crore is equivalent to 1 billion.

To convert from billion to crore, simply multiply the number of billion with 100. For example, if you have 2 billion, then 2*100=200 crores

Conversely, to convert from crore to billion, divide the number of crore with 100. For example, if you have 300 crore, then 300/10 = 3 billion.